Wednesday, February 11, 2009

20 Big Reasons

I have 20 big reasons to feel great today. I am down 20 pounds and loving it. I think I still look the same, but I know that I feel much better than I did 20 pounds ago. I am at 255 right now and my 100 pound goal is now down to 80.

Current weight = 255

Sunday, February 8, 2009

18 Pounds In The Rear View Mirror

As I stood on the scale this morning I was totally amazed to see that I have now lost 18 pounds in three weeks. My diet started three weeks ago and the results so far have been terrific. I am eating well, getting plenty of exercise, and feeling great!

Current weight = 257

Friday, February 6, 2009

15 Down

I woke up this morning very excited to see that I have hit the 15 pound mark. I started at 275 and I am now down to 260. I have a long way to go, but I am sure glad to be headed in the right direction. I walked 4.5 miles this afternoon and feel great. I may even go for another walk later this afternoon.

Current weight = 260

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Easy Route

As I was walking on the treadmill tonight building up a sweat I looked down at the calorie counter and saw I had burned just over 300 calories. I thought about how much easier it is to consume 300 calories compared to burning it off. Eating a 300 calorie taco would have been much easier than walking for 45 minutes, but taking the easy route is what got me into my current condition.

For me to lose the weight I am going to have to put in the work, both in diet and exercise. So far I have lost 13 pounds and I feel great.

My current weight is 262

Monday, February 2, 2009


I just got off thetreadmill and I feel great. I was able to watch 2 episodes of Westwing during my 90 minute walk. Did I mention I feel great?


So I cheated a little bit last night and had some beer and chicken wings, it was the Superbowl what can I say. Yesterday was the two week mark and I have lost a total of eleven pounds! Nine pounds the first week and two last week. I am feeling great about this. My goal this week is to go on a long walk everyday this week, some on the treadmill and some outside with my dog.

Current weight = 264

Monday, January 26, 2009


I know most if not all the weight I lost last week was just water-weight, but it still feels great to see some lower numbers on the scale. The meals Misti has been making the two of us have been terrific.

I probably look a little strange eating my packed lunch in the fast food restaurants my co-workers and I frequent, but who cares. The food looks good and tastes good. I have not yet felt a challenge of hunger because I just snack on fruits and vegetables any time I get an urge to eat. My new favorite is the pickle. I bought a huge jar of them at Sam's Club, what a great snack.

I weighed in this morning at 266, the exact weight as yesterday. I realize I may not lose much or any at all this week due to last weeks numbers, but I do know the weight will not increase.

My dad told me to keep my eye on the prize and that is exactly what I am going to do. I know I can lose this weight if I stay focused and am consistent. I had another great walk tonight on the treadmill, then I took my new pup on a nice walk around the neighborhood. I think my dog likes this exercise thing as well.